So, let’s try this now…
Over at Ye Olde WordPress Blog, I recently began a new series of posts focused on certain pop/rock music of the 1970s. [Aside: that link just takes you to the introduction to the series: how it came to happen in the first place: i.e., the forces of memory and timing which converged to spark it. If you’d prefer, you can find all the individual posts in the category via this link.] Each post includes some (superficial) personal memories of the year in question, and a handful of asides about specific selections in the corresponding playlist. I’m under no illusions that the music — let alone, gods know, the personal memories — will strike a chord in the soul of anyone but me.
But for here, and now, experimenting with Substack, I thought I’d start by simply embedding the complete playlist (which is not available at Ye Olde WordPress Blog). I don’t know if this will automatically update as I add new music, or if it’s just an “as-of today” excerpt. But I guess you’ll find out, at about the same rate that I do!
Edit to add: well, now I know — this playlist was not automatically updated in this post, although it was when I added 1974’s selections via Spotify. I’ll do a new “Part 2” post here when I get a couple more years in the mix.
P.S. I scarcely need add: thank you for reading this — especially for your patience as I figure out how (or even whether) to do X, Y, or Z.